Thursday, October 21, 2021

Keat Patriarchal Blessing

Yesterday, Oct 21 2021, Keat received his Patriarchal Blessing. Jas & I both had impressions earlier in the year that he needed to prepare for it. 
Keat decided to fast for the day. We were prayerful for him. It was one of the most choicest experiences as parents to witness your firstborn receive his blessings! So many wonderful blessings given to him. A few stand out-that his mind would be sharp & clear (he’s healing from a concussion again, so this brought tears to my eyes). Also, that he would have a wife who loves him & makes him laugh! That he would be a good husband & father.  Also, that he would have a good relationship w his mission President. That his kindness would help others & that he is a good friend. His blessing promised him he could be calm in trying hard times. Sis Ericson commented after the blessing about his she could feel his choice spirit & Patriarch Ericson thanked him for coming ready & fasting, as the Spirit is easier felt due to him being prepared. Such a discuss night. Now bring on the food!

Sunday, October 17, 2021

First Day of School Aug 2021

Keat is in high school, a Sophomore!!

Jonas is at Orion in 8th grade.

Thad is in 4th at Majestic.

Big day  for Jude-he’s in 1st grade! Full day of school