Jonas holding Thad for the first time with the help of Grandpa.
Keat holding his little bro.
Now the story...Friday morning I woke up feeling sick. Turns out I had the stomach flue ): Lots of throwing up etc (I'll spare you the details) ALL day. In the morning, I had thrown up once and just thought it was because of labor. So I went to my friend Rachel's house so she could work on my feet (to expediate the labor). When I came home and continued throwing up etc, I knew I had caught the flu bug because it was going around. Needless to say, I was in bed with a bowl the rest of the day.
Jas took the boys and our nephew to our ward version of trunk or treat. Around 7 he came home and our wonderful home teacher came over and helped Jas give me a blessing. I finally stopped throwing up. After talking with his two sisters who are nurses, I took some imodium. Finally I was able to hold down water and sprite (thanks again to Rach!)
I was beyond tired and tried to go to sleep. That's when the conractions started--at 11 that night. They were fast and furious, so we were off to the hospital at 12:15 thanks to Jas's parents rushing to our house. We made it to the hospital at 12:45.
I was beyond tired and tried to go to sleep. That's when the conractions started--at 11 that night. They were fast and furious, so we were off to the hospital at 12:15 thanks to Jas's parents rushing to our house. We made it to the hospital at 12:45.
When they checked me they told me I was dialated to a 6 1/2, where I freaked out asking if I was too late to get an epidural. Later, the nurse confessed that I was at a 8 1/2, but she knew that I would have a strong reaction, so she fibbed. Unfortunately I was dehydrated so it took 2 nurses and the anesthesiologist and some 5 tries to get an IV going. They had to pump fluids in quickly before I could get my beloved epidural. There was some crazy moments like needing oxygen because I was getting dizzy and my blood pressure was dropping and some more throwing up, but the team at Ogden Regional were fantastic (d0 I sound like a commercial?!) I felt I was in good hands, especially after my blessing and having Jas holding my hand next to me. I love that man.
This little/big babe of ours wanted to come quickly and I delivered by 1:29 am--less than an hour after arriving. Yes, I did still partly feel the pain because the epidural hadn't fully kicked in, but it was dulled thankfully.
We feel so blessed to have him in our family--It's like he was always here. Thank you to all our wonderful friends and family for all of the love, support and help. Much more to blog, but I'm off to nurse my beautiful baby boy. And then, get some sleep!
We feel so blessed to have him in our family--It's like he was always here. Thank you to all our wonderful friends and family for all of the love, support and help. Much more to blog, but I'm off to nurse my beautiful baby boy. And then, get some sleep!
Congrats on your sweet little boy! All your boys are adorable!
How is it even possible for you to have a baby that big?!!! ! And your boys are getting so big, you need to blog more(and so do I) I'm sure you'll adjust just fine with the 3. Congratulations
Congrats to you all! He's so precious! Glad to hear he's here safe and sound. Love ya!
What a sweetie! He is darling! Hope you are doing good, we need to get together soon! Love ya-Malia
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry you had to have the stomach flu & go through labor all at once. But you obviously have a good attitude about it. Anyway, glad it all turned out well & that you now have another handsome man in your life. Congratulations!
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