Then the other day Thad was soaking in the tub when Keat started to pound out his Christmas bells song on the piano. I whispered down the stairs, "hey Keat the baby's asleep." Right away Thad started to sing in the same tune, "baby's asleep, baby's asleep, baby's asleep, baby's asleep". You may have had to be there. Trust me, it was really funny. He is really quick and full of whit.
Here's another classic Thad moment from last week. The boys have all been a bit sick and Jonas had his bout last week. Just before dinner Jonas was pestering Thad like he does and Thad got annoyed like he does. I asked Thad to say the prayer, so he jumped right into this really great prayer and then he slipped in a "I'm thankful that I am good and Jonas is sick"! Jonas busted up laughing and so did the rest of us. Seriously, this 3 year old is pure entertainment. He is like having your own comedian!
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