Sunday, March 19, 2017

AIS Gala

My Dad & Rita came down to Utah to drop Mariah off at the MTC. They stayed w Gpa & let us k ow of an amazing opportunity. Grandpa's American Indian Services was throwing a fundraising gala dinner at Grand America aka $320/plate or over $2,000/table. He had a donor who bought an entire table & couldn't go--would we like to? Heck yes!

Our table was my Dad & Rita, Jas & Kristina, my Uncle John & Aunt Diane, Jas & me. It was amazing--seriously! It has been close to a decade since we'd seen my Great Aunt & Uncle. It was great I catch up with them.

It was honoring Johnny Miller & his service done for AIS. Thoughout the night, several references were made of my Gpa. Johnny Miller called Dale Tinget his second Dad. Governor Herbert said,"It's hard to say no to Dale Tingey. We're all riding his coat tales into heaven. He'll be the front row. He is the best of Utah." 😍
They raised likely 3/4-a million dollars on that night. We sadly didn't win the BYU/U of U tickets, but did take home some cute exercise clothes(wrong size alas).
It was a blessing to see what my Grandoa does on a daily basis. I even spoke with his cute secretary & assistants on how they come to see him daily where he is writing letters, calling people & making contacts. He is a living legend & my hero.

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