Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Husband Tagged

Okay, so Melinda tagged me and I'm gonna do it this time(: I've been "Husband Tagged"

This is an old pic of Jas w/ Keaton (although it looks like Jonas too). This represents Jas perfectly--a wonderful and cute dada

What is his name? Jason (Jasey)
How long have you been married?6 years
How long did you date? We knew each other for a year and a half and were engaged for the last 5 months of it
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? He does (but I eat more sweets!)
Who said I love you first? He did--very daring man.
Who is smarter? He is all around. I may be in "teachery stuff"
Whose temper is worse? Sadly mine is. I have "fire in my belly" as Jas puts it
Who does the laundry? I do--I am a homemaker after all!
Who does the dishes? We both do. It's a never ending job!
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
Who pays the bills? We both have certain bills we each pay.
Who cooks dinner? I mostly do, but Jas makes the best omelets.
Who drives when you are together? Jas does of course!
Who is more stubborn? Okay, I am.
Whose parents do you see the most? It's a tie now that we live in Missouri!
Who proposed? Jas did. He surprised me while I was going to BYU Hawaii. He is a man of wonderful surprises!
Who has more friends? Oh, come on now....We both have wonderful friends!
Who has more siblings? He does--six kids in his fam, I came from a house of three kids
Who wears the pants in the family? Depends-we both do!
I sure love my honey. He is so perfect for me--seriously he is!

Malia, Miranda and Michelle you are tagged!!!

1 comment:

Roberts' family said...

you are right. We are lucky to have those laid back husbands. Now what of our children ???