Monday, June 8, 2009

Jesus Has a Phone

You know how kids always want to have the deepest discussions when it's bedtime right? Keat follows that exactly. So oftentimes he gets to stay up another 5 minutes--he wins, but we do too. It's my favorite time of day w/ him--although, he often requests dad. (very often)

Tonight was one of those special moments. K said his prayer. He blessed for us to go to the gym again. He also asked that Jesus would not get hurt and that people would be nice to Him. My sweet boy.

After the prayer, he asked if he could talk to Jesus. I told Him that he could talk to Jesus and Heavenly Father anytime he wanted to by praying. He said, "No, Mom I want to call Jesus on the phone." Try explaining that to a 3 year old. He insisted, "Momma, Jesus has a phone. Jesus has a phone." It makes me smile just typing this (:


The Smith Family said...

Very cute. Such darling kiddos you have. I really liked the praying to go to the gym thing!:) What insights our kids have!

Amy said...

I hope K can get the phone number for Heaven. What a sweet boy. You know, I was sitting behind you for a few minutes on Sunday with Benjamin & your two boys were smiling at Benjamin & making him laugh it was just melting my heart. They're just darling boys.

Lea said...

That is so cute, I just love those times with my kids

Tinabean said...

Oh Keaters he is such a funny boy.
That is so cute & so hard to get a 3 year old to understand.
Hope all is well Love ya.

Luci, Paul and Jack & Annie said...

What an adorable story, Jen! I love that precious innocense they still have...don't you wish they would stay that way forever?!