Friday, February 19, 2010

When I Grow Up

This is the conversation that I had w/ my four year old at dinner the other night:

K,"I want to be a dinosaur when I grow up."
Me, "Wow!"
K, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
(Oh, he thinks I'm not grown sweet.)
Me, "I want to be a mom and a teacher." (so true, but NOT what he was looking for.)
K w/ a frustrated look on his face, "No, Mom, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Me, "I want to be a bird so I can fly." (a little more imagination right?!)
K was satisfied w/ that answer. He goes into all sorts of details about being a dino and how Dadda and Little J would be dinos too. I then said I wanted to be a dino that could fly wanting to be the same species as the rest of my family.

K, "After I am a dinosaur, I want to be a police officer. Then, I want to be a race car driver. Then I want to be a sword fighter. Then, I want to be a golfman."
I am so glad that my little one has such high expectations for himself....until he said this:"Then, after a golfman, I want to be a bad guy." Me, "K, I don't think you want to be a bad guy. Don't you want to be a good guy?" K, "Okay, I will be a good bad guy."

(On a side note, as I'm typing this K comes up to me. He asks what I'm doing and I retell our convo. He then says, "After all that, I want to be a monster. After all that, I will be done."

Oh, then it's settled.
(I'm rooting for the golfman--the least dangerous of the bunch. A golfman w/ values, of course.)


Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

Lol! I love it...a golf man with values. Poor Tiger.

Melynie said...

Oh, I love it! Those priceless conversations are the BEST!! Good luck with your (very cute) little good bad guy.

The Smith Family said...

SO cute. The little things little boys say are the greatest!

Amy said...

What a cutie! Now you know when he'll be done with his work on earth. After he's a monster.

Luci, Paul and Jack & Annie said...

Too cute, Jen! I would encourage the golfman, too. He'll make a little more money than say, the dinosaur.