Tuesday, December 18, 2012

She does it all

Jenn is an amazing mom! This picture will tell it all. Jenn and the boys just had their first piano recital. Sometimes as parents we think that if we tell our kids to do something enough times the message will eventually sink in. We really want our boys to develop the talent of playing the piano. Instead of telling the boys to learn piano, Jenn is diving in and taking lessons with them. There is rarely a moment now where they aren't plugging away on the piano. Oh ya, we got a piano too- it was a really early Chriatmas present. Jonas looks really stoked in this pic right?

1 comment:

The Wrights said...

Side note--I was shaking in my boots. The boys were amazingly calm! As for Jonas's expression--later found out he had to go #2 & had to even had to wait for us to get dominoes pizza. As Jason says, Jonas has no away game when it comes to pooping (: