T has grown so much in July!! He's grown all 4 molars and learned important words like no(my least fav), all done, more, thank you. He understands so much more & can follow at least 1 step directions.
The other day T was upset. We couldn't figure out why. Then, it clicked-he didn't want a jammy shirt on because his brothers didn't have a shirt on! Such an observant little boy! After Keat & J put on their shirts, he was ok to wear his.
Another fun story--T now refuses to sit in the booster seat or high chair. I gave him the choice,"Thad, would you rather sit here at the high chair or here in the booster seat?" He pointed to a regular seat & said,"there." (;
He now says,"cheese!" When he gets his picture taken. He LOVES animals & cars. He also knows a lot of his body parts--eye, ear, nose, mouth, hair & tummy.
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