Sunday, August 24, 2008

Keaters is 3!

Keaters on his big 3rd Birthday! The only way we know how to get him to smile is to say, "show us your teeth!"

Keat had a sweet BDAY pool party with all of his little friends.

Our little sweetheart who is now 10 months old.
My two birthday boys--Jas 30, Keat 3

jas & I made a choo-choo cake for Keaters--it is quite hilarious (; Our goal was for K to at least recognize that it was a train.

Keaton is one amazing little boy! These last 3 years have been the richest and deepest. We love his love of life and his talent to make friends anywhere we go! He'll keep us running for many years to come. Happy birthday little man. We love you!

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOVE the train cake. Esp. considering it was impromptu.