It was almost humorous trying to give our active boys blessings, but very fitting of our lives. Both K & little J have so much to look forward to this year! K--first days school, getting bigger, expressing himself more clearly, imaginative play (this is awesome-more for another blog), potty training. Little J--first time walking, learning to talk, trying all kinds of new foods...After the boys were down, Jas gave me a blessing. It was so sweet and calming. Not enough warning about this whole child going to school/becoming independent/mom not right next to them phase....
I layed out clothes for all of us, we read our getting ready for school book, prayed about school....
Now, the first day! K was overjoyed w/ school! We don't have your typical "stand by the front door first day of school" picture. This is Keaton doing all sorts of yoga moves he sees us do. He just hammed it up!
Will someone tell me how to rotate these pics?
Now I drove him the first day. I couldn't fathom having him take the bus that first day. He did wonderfully. Only was shy for but a minute, gave me kiss and he was off to the races! I wasn't surprised. I had my sweet husband texting me and my friend Miranda calling to see if I was okay. (thanks guys)
The second day was riding the bus. We read our riding the bus to school book 100 times (he has it just about memorized)! Well, the bus was 5 min. early--which is really early for a mom! I was a bit frantic, but tried to stay calm...K had a moment of the deer in the headlights look, but recovered quickly. After a kiss, a picture and videoing it (Jas was out of town for the big event) K got buckled into his very own booster seat. I got Jonas buckled in and we were all off!
YES, I did follow the bus to school--I AM ONE OF THOSE MOMS! I followed right behind the bus giving myself pep talks that K was doing just fine, so I needed to do the same. Here is a pic of K's school bus!
He did wonderfully! In fact, they said K talked their ear off...they just couldn't quite understand all of what he said (; Riding the bus is, SURPRISE, Keaton's favorite part of school! We survived. School puts us in this wonderful routine. Because of school I now have special one on one time w/ Jonas, Keaton is flourishing AND (w/ working like crazy during nap times) I now have more quality time w/ my boys. I feel so blessed.
Michael can't wait to ride the bus to kindergarten. I think that's what he's most excited about for kindergarten, so I'm not surprised that it's Keaton's favorite part. Kids like simple things. glad you survived! :) You are AmaZiNg! Keaton is darling and I'm glad to hear that school is going well for him. I will be ONE OF THOSE MOMs too!
Oh...and by the way, you have to rotate the pics in a program different than blogger. I think ours is a windows program that pops up when I want to look at my pics. You can rotate them and then save them and then load them onto blogger. I know that probably wasn't much help...sorry. I wish I was more computer savvy.
I'll bet Keaton is having a blast! Congrats Jenn, you arrived at yet another milestone!:) Does he go everyday, all day? Enjoy that special Jonas time!
Thanks for the help Lace...
Melissa, he's going 4 days a week for 3 hours. It is nice to have Jonas time!
Hey Jason and Jen, This is Colby, I have a blog now, Its Anyways I havent talked to you guys in a while. I love the pictures of you guys. I miss you guys a lot. Anyways Talk to you later, Colby.
Jenn, what a cute post. I can't believe you followed the bus to school! I love it. I probably would have done the same thing. I can't believe he rides the bus. Isn't this just preschool? Wow.
Sure wish we were closer to you guys. And how did Jason's birthday go? I don't think I ever heard about that.
I LOVE Keaton's yoga moves - that is hilarious!
Ohhh, I love this post, Jen! I was cracking up so hard imagining you driving after the bus! Of course, I'll be there too, one day, and you can laugh at me doing the same thing (and probably bawling the whole time!). I bet Keaton just loves school! Your boys are so cute!
Okay, Jenn, that picture of the bus from your van is priceless. I love it! So glad Keaton likes school. Meg starts her new kindergarten tomorrow. Her backpack got left in St. Louis so we went to Target tonight and she picked out a new Tinkerbell one. Here we go again! Miss ya and love ya!! Good luck, on many levels! : )
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