Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is just a funny story. First off, yes, it was certainly a historical week with Obama becoming President. We pray for him and our country....that could be a whole other post.

Here it is! I always listen to Bill O'Reilly when picking up K up from preschool. Bill was summing up Pres. Obama's first week as President. Then, it was a commercial break. I naturally turn it to music during the commercials. K said, "I want Barack Obama." He was quite upset! Yes, we have talked briefly to him about Obama and had him pray for him the first day he was in office---but this comment took me by surprise!

Then, during lunch Jas & I were trying to get K to eat some of his veggies. He was getting "difficult" and blurted, "I want Barack Obama! I want Barack Obama in our home!" It was a plea to Obama to come save him from his parents. Honestly, it was hilarious! Jas & I would just love for Pres. Obama to come get our son to eat his veggies (: So, it seems our little boy is quite taken with the new President.


Amy said...

How funny, your little Democrat.

Juliana said...

Such a cute story. I love to come and check in on your fun little family, it seems like all is well for you!

Ruth said...

Isn't it so funny to find out what little kids pick up on?! Our friends' 4-yr-old son wanted to know if President Monson had died since Obama is the "new president" now.

Thanks for your comments about our move!