Thursday, February 12, 2009

Magic of Snow

It snowed a few weeks ago. Since Missouri doesn't get much snow (by Utah standards) we were thrilled!! Here are my boys.

Jonas is at that fun stage where he is a snowball--he falls and can't get up! It's so cute.

He looks happy doesn't he?!

K and J playing in their jeep.

This picture is applicable--I promise!! Monday mornings are K & my special time--we play games together or make a craft, just the two of us--this was our sugar SNOWpeople. They look a little crazy, but did they ever taste great!


JustusFam said...

Ahhhh...SO cute! Ya know the more I look at Keaton durring primary the more I see you! I love the top pick of your boys. they are all so adorable....yes Jason, you are adorable! :-)

Amy said...

It's nice that we get just enough snow to be excited about it when it comes.

Melynie said...

Oh, your family is so adorable! What fun snow! We have yet to play in the snow here. It seems every time we get it (both times :) ) we've been too sick to play. Glad you got to enjoy it! Miss ya!

Malia and Shane said...

I love the pics!! It is so fun to see your boys and how cute they are...keep up on the pictures! Glad you guys are doing good. Miss ya and love ya!

Happy Mom said...

Fun to read your blog!!! I'm so glad you made it to book club tonight! You are a great addition to the discussion!