Thursday, November 6, 2008

November 4th

Everyone says it is an historic event--a black man being elected president. I wanted to express my bundle of emotions before they fade. Election night is so vivid in my mind. The weeks before had poll after poll saying Obama was to win. Deep down I knew, but I still had hope. One must always have hope.

I checked Fox news & it finally happened. My emotions were so raw, so real (they still are). Listening to John McCain give his concession speech was so moving. He was so gracious, so eloquent. I cried.
The next morning as I waved goodbye to Keaton on his bus, I looked around. All the presidential candidate's signs were gone, save one--mine.

Another gracious act--my neighbors. They were strong McCain supporters. There sign was removed and in its' place was an American flag and a sign that read God Bless America.
So, eyes wet once more, I slowly removed my sign as well.

Here is to gracious people and May God Bless America.


Michelle said...

I feel the exact same way, may God bless America. I actually was more caught up in Prop 8 than in the Presidential canditates. I hope Obama proves me wrong.

Melynie said...

Oh, I know. I'm just bracing myself for what is going to happen in this country. We certainly need God's blessings on America, now more than ever.

Jen said...

I cried too! It was such an emotional night and I am so glad to hear others feel the same way that I do. Especially in our age group.